A week of adventures in Hokkaido



3 dayS + 2 days overnight!

Pick up/Drop Off in Niseko

Family Accommodation Options

English Instruction, multi-lingual environment 

Mon – Fri, JuLY – Aug

The ultimate way for kids to spend summer holidays in Hokkaido! Five days of action-packed adventures around Niseko, a forest campsite, the seaside and at the beautiful Lake Toya. 

The week begins with one of Niseko’s most popular activities – river rafting! Cycling with new friends in the fresh air and a trip to see some fun ostriches at a local farm get the week off to a flying start.

The action continues over the following days with water sports at the stunning Lake Toya, snorkelling at the seaside, water fights and outdoor games.

Lastly, on a two-day overnight camping trip, kids learn essential wilderness skills such as making fires and shelters, using tools and building rafts.

With their new skills, campers are challenged to build their own ‘civilisation’ in the forest using bamboo, ropes and other materials, which they trade with each other.

After gaining confidence in the outdoors, the young adventurers cook their own dinner on campfires and camp overnight in tents.

All our camps are suitable for kids from ages 6-14 with intermediate or higher English or Japanese speaking skills. 

Each day is designed for experiential learning with our bilingual coaches facilitating a safe and fun learning environment.


Main pick-up location is Trailside Apartments Niseko behind Lupicia Restaurant (click 'Location' above for pin). Other locations also possible (e.g. Rusutsu) for groups of 4+. Alternatively, self-drive daily to various activity locations within 1hr of Niseko.


Drop-off and pick up times, which might change slightly near the time if activities are adjusted for the weather

Adaptable Schedule

Please note that the order and timing of the activities during the week may change based on weather and other circumstances. We keep all parents updated with any changes during the week.

Ages 6-14

The challenge level and teaching style are adapted to suit the ages of the kids present each week.


The main language of the activities is English. Participants and staff are from the local community and around the world. We take into consideration the levels of English and Japanese of the kids on each camp and adjust our use of languages so that everyone can understand key instructions, while enabling second language immersion when possible. Let us know if you have any strong preferences regarding languages.


We create a group with Imagine Team and parents for easy communication and updates during the camp


5 Day Camp Schedule

rafting niseko

Rafting, Cycling & Farm

Time to enjoy one of Niseko’s most famous summer activities – white water rafting! Surrounded by stunning natural scenery, you’ll develop confidence as you navigate different sections of rapids. Professional guides will teach you how to paddle and control the raft so you can enjoy the beautiful river to its fullest!

After lunch it’s time for cycling. We practice first in a safe, wide open area before embarking on a cycling journey on paths alongside rivers and through fields with a great feeling of fresh air and freedom.

Lastly, we stop at a farm to check out some friendly Ostriches! These are fascinating and entertaining birds to watch and learn about. If you’re lucky you can even catch them laying giant ostrich eggs.


Coordination, Action,  Fun & Fitness, Making Friends

hokkaido beach fun day

Beach & Snorkelling

At a pleasant sandy beach, the kids enjoy a range of classic team sports and games, have fun playing in the water and tuck into a seaside picnic.

Beach day Hokkaido

Next we take kids to the ideal spot for a safe and exciting snorkelling session! Learn the technique, practice the skill and enjoy exploring the underwater wildlife.


After searching for mysterious underwater flora and fauna from starfish to sea hares, it’s time to head back to Niseko.

Seaside North of Niseko 

Nature Appreciation, Water Confidence, Social skills

SUP & Lake Fun

We kick things off with some classic team games in a beautiful grassy area by the lake.

After this, it’s time for Stand Up Paddle-boarding (SUP)! Practise controlling the board before trying a range of floating races and games. Dodge balls, score goals and knock each other off their boards! 

As if that wasn’t enough, kids even get to bounce on a floating trampoline and have a picnic together by the lake.

Finally, to use up any remaining energy, kids have a big water fight, learn to skim stones and generally enjoy being creative and active together in the stunning nature scenery of Lake Toya.

Lake Toya

Confidence, Coordination, Teamwork, Fitness

summer camp japan

Survival Skills & Camping

In a beautiful and spacious forest, learn fascinating wilderness survival skills such as making fires, using a camping knife safely and building shelters from natural materials. 

Kids are then challenged to build their own ‘civilisations’ from scratch, using the skills they have learned and the natural materials around them. This game gets students thinking about how to organise their team, use imagination to create and build things in the nature, and even how to trade resources!

Camp out in tents overnight in this beautiful setting to experience the classic summer camp atmosphere. Kids even cook their own dinner on a campfire!

After breakfast, the groups build their own natural rafts from bamboo and try them out on a shallow river section. After adding final touches to their villages they present their finished Civilisations to each other. Then it’s time to take down the forest villages and head back to modern civilisation.


Teamwork, Survival skills, Leadership

What's included

Imagine Instructors


Activity Insurance

Quality Photos

Small Group Coaching

Camp fee

Accommodation Options

We offer accommodation options for the whole family during this camp! If you would like to book a lodge or apartment in Niseko with our affiliated accommodation company at great rates, please contact us.

👇 Dates, DETAILS & Sign-up 👇


Days 1-3 are day trips for everyone to get familiar. Days 4-5 are an overnight camp (in tents).

If your kid prefers not to do the overnight part, you can choose to collect them on day 4 evening and bring them back on day 5 morning. However we encourage the group to complete all parts of the camp together if possible.

To enable smooth organisation, we strongly prefer if everyone signs up for all five days of the camp.

In some cases it is possible to sign up for three out of the five days but it depends on various factors so please enquire if interested.

If you have a group of 8 friends or more who just want to do certain days from the itinerary, we can also discuss bespoke arrangements.

Sure! Just confirm this preference early on and then stick to the choice to enable smooth planning. There is a big variety of destinations, near and far. You could choose to self-drive to some while using the transport for others.

If you are one of the earliest sign-ups, you will have more choice of pick up location, so it may be possible to pick up very near your house/hotel anyway. 

The transport time can be a fun part of the camp in some ways, as it gives more time to get to know the other kids and generally hang out together. 

If you self drive, after meeting the group at the destination, we ask that parents do not hang around watching, taking pictures etc. This will disturb the atmosphere and flow of the activities. Please greet the staff, say goodbye and allow your kid to join in with the other kids freely from the beginning.

Please note, there is no discount for self-driving. 

Please bring a tasty packed lunch on days 1-4. The daily camp transport will pass a convenience store so we can make a brief stop to let your child buy something on the way to the activities if preferred.

Dinner on Day 4 and breakfast and lunch on Day 5 are provided. Please be sure to inform us about any special dietary requirements.

If it rains a little, the camp will go ahead. Please bring a waterproof coat if the weather forecast has any chance of rain. 

Sometimes outdoor activities in the rain can be even more fun and good for the character! Also, during water sports, they will get wet anyway. 

If there will be a storm or very heavy rain, the camp will move indoors, either for a short time or all day, depending how long it rains for. While indoors, we will play all kinds of games, and continue the survival classes. There are many skills they can still learn indoors. 

Therefore, we cannot issue any refunds due to the weather, unless the activity is cancelled completely (which is very unlikely).

Ideally, yes. But if you are unsure, let's talk about it.  Water activities can be adjusted to suit low swimming abilities when necessary. In any case, everyone will wear life jackets in the water and our main focus is always on safety.

Bike riding can be adjusted to suit low cycling abilities. It's best if we know in advance if your kid may need extra support, so we can make the right adjustments to the plan. 

To let the kids enjoy it fully, gain independence and a sense of freedom, we strongly encourage parents not to come. The group will be in safe hands. The presence of parents can distract the kids and affect the dynamics of the activity in general. 

We can send photos and updates during the day if you wish to be updated on how it's going. We will also have everyone's phone numbers and will phone you if necessary for any reason.

This is a fantastic chance for the kids to grow up. And for you to enjoy some peace and quiet!

In some cases, 15-18 year olds may join with a special role as an assistant camp counsellor. They will help the instructors with duties, based on what is most appropriate in each situation. In this way, they can develop and gain valuable experience, while also getting to enjoy the activities. 

Imagine can issue a certificate or letter to help with college/job applications if desired afterwards. 

We will ask to learn more about the individual before accepting them for this type of role. The roles will be adjusted to suit skills, ages and interests. It will also depend on various factors such as the other students signed up for the same week. Please contact us to enquire on an individual basis if interested.

The price to join is the same as for younger kids.

To register interest please contact us or fill in the sign-up form below. An Imagine representative will be in touch to help arrange payment later.
